This was the girls first pumpkin craving experience. Overall it went quite well. Brooklyn tried to eat all the pumpkins while Caleigh thought the "GUTS' were YUCK!. Daddy did most of the work while Mommy cleaned! Caleigh is so happy with her pumpkin... this morning she saw them and said... Ni Hao (means hello in Chinese But she calls Kei Lan it) Heart Happy! I asked her, Your Pumpkin makes you happy? and she Yelled YES!!!!!!!!!!!
Daddy hard at work

Caleigh being silly

Brooklyn taking off with Mommy's lid

Brooklyn's kitty

Caleigh's Kei-Lan ( Daddy out did himself on this one!)

The Caswells
Happy Halloween... Love the Caswells
Awesome Pumpkin Family! What a great job! A.J. wants you to carve hers!!!
LOVVVE them!!!
WOW - that is impressive!!!
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